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Archive for the 'Whiplash' Category

Whiplash and PTSD

Whiplash injuries commonly result from motor vehicle collisions (MVC) and are caused by a sudden jolt that initiates a startle response that has been found to tighten the muscles deep inside the neck, which has been reported to increase the risk of injury to the joints and structures of the cervical spine. The amount of [..]

Managing Whiplash

Whiplash is a common injury that is often ignored or improperly treated due to a lack of understanding of the condition. Common whiplash symptoms include (but are not limited to) neck pain/stiffness, headache, shoulder pain and stiffness, dizziness, fatigue, jaw pain (TMJ symptoms), arm pain, numbness and/or weakness, visual disturbances, ringing in the ears (tinnitis), [..]

How to Avoid Whiplash!

Whiplash is a common problem following motor vehicle collisions and because prevention is considered the best medicine, here are some tips to AVOID car crashes altogether…Don’t eat, take your eyes off the road while talking, fiddle with the radio, talk on your cell phone, or text/play with apps while driving! The National Safety Council estimates [..]

What is Whiplash?

Whiplash—or “whiplash associated disorders” (WAD)—is a relatively common injury usually linked with a motor vehicle collision (MVC) during which the head is whipped forwards and backwards (when rear-ended) or sideways (if T-boned). Let’s look at some facts: 1) WAD is often ignored or mistreated due to a lack of understanding about the condition. 2) WAD [..]

Whiplash – The Power of Positive Thinking!

When discussing the topic of whiplash injury recovery, prompt assessment, treatment, education, reassurance, and advice can be VERY EFFECTIVE in helping the injured crash victim improve during the acute stage of the injury (the first three months). But after three months, when the condition becomes more chronic, which interventions are the most beneficial? More specifically, [..]

10 Important Facts About Whiplash (Part 2)

Last month, we reviewed the #1-5 of “10 facts” that you should know about whiplash. Here are #6-10! 6. “Rest = rust” when it comes to whiplash: When we hurt, we often instinctively choose rest over activity, as we may be afraid that any activity will make the pain worse. But after just a few [..]

10 Important Facts About Whiplash (Part 1)

There have been many statements made about whiplash that are either totally or partially false. Let’s take a look at some of the “FACTS.” 1. Pain is NOT the only symptom: Although neck and/or shoulder area pain is the most common symptom associated with a whiplash injury, look for other symptoms such as (but not [..]

Whiplash – Why Does it Happen?

Whiplash injuries are most commonly associated with motor vehicle collisions (MVC), although they can happen from anything that results in a sudden movement of the head -- from slip and fall injuries, carnival rides, sports-related injuries, and more. When associated with MVCs, the terms “acceleration/deceleration injury” or “whiplash associated disorders (WAD)” are often applied, depending [..]

Whiplash Self-Care: Part 2

Last month, we started the discussion of self-care options in the management of whiplash or CAD (cervical acceleration-deceleration) or WAD (whiplash associated disorders). In this series, we are describing various treatment methods that you can be taught to help facilitate in the management process during the four stages of healing (acute, subacute—discussed last month; remodeling [..]

Whiplash Self-Care: Part 1

Whiplash is a condition that can occur from MANY causes—in fact, anything that results in a sudden change in the head/neck position. Usually, there is a rapid acceleration that injures the soft tissues around the neck area by stretching them beyond their limits. Hence, the more accurate terms for whiplash are “cervical acceleration-deceleration” (CAD) as [..]